The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), through the MARINA Regional Office X (MRO X) in Cagayan de Oro City, successfully conducted a two-day Virtual Modified Basic Safety Training (MBST), as part of the Agency’s initiatives to continually support the needs of fishing and recreational boat operators in Region 10.
The MRO X has already conducted two sessions of the said training with the first session scheduled last 28 October 2020 and the recent session scheduled last 11 November 2020.
Completion of the MBST training is a requirement for the application of the Seafarer’s Identification Book (SIB) or Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB) for seafarers on board Philippine Registered vessels below 35GT.
Part of the several modules discussed during the virtual MBST training was the Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF) module which informed participants of the common causes of fires on ships, namely: careless smoking, spontaneous ignition, faulty electrical faults, oil transfer, welding, and etc. Participants were also briefed on the necessary elements of fire prevention and fire fighting, which included the demonstration of the proper use of a fire extinguisher.
Meanwhile, the Elementary First Aid (EFA) module discussed the importance of understanding first-aid principles, especially for the captain and crew of the ship. Participants of the training were lectured about the life-saving equipment/appliances that could be found on ships, and how one could correctly put on a life vest.
Modules that were also included in the virtual MBST training were the Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) and Personal Survival Technique (PST) modules, which discussed the standard precautionary measures to prevent pollution of the marine environment and the importance of observing safe working practices onboard ships. The module also included a demonstration of basic bandaging techniques, as part of basic first aid.
On the other hand, Typhoon Awareness and Preparedness module was also discussed during the virtual training, as a way for participants to be better equipped at handling natural disasters that may occur in the future. This module included discussions on the Philippine Public Storm Warning Signals and other ways to predict incoming natural disasters.
To cap things off, the virtual MBST training also included an orientation on Gender Sensitivity Training. Laws related to Gender and Development (GAD) such as RA 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 and RA 8353 The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 were discussed to raise awareness among the participants who were predominantly male.
Once participants completed the two-day virtual MBST training, together with the assessment conducted for the return demonstration, they were awarded with the MBST training Certificate of Completion.
In response to the requests of stakeholders, the MRO X – Cagayan de Oro City will conduct its third batch of the two-day virtual MBST training on 25 November 2020.