MANILA, PHILIPPINES – As part of its temporary contingency measure amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), through its Advisory No. 2020-88, has issued further extension for the validity of one (1) year from the date of expiration, as well as the revalidation of STCW certificates of Filipino seafarers expiring from 01 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 – continuing its previous extension, which only covered 13 March 2020 to 31 December 2020.
The said MARINA Advisory states that the validity of all STCW certificates issued by the Agency, which are expiring during the newly issued period, shall be extended for one year without filing for an application at the MARINA.
Moreover, this also applies to all STCW certificates of all Filipino seafarers who are both onboard and ashore at the time of expiration of their certificates, and are compliant with the provisions that are mentioned in the Advisory 2020-88.
Firstly, the seafarer must have a completed approved seagoing service performing duties appropriate to the certificate held, for a period of at least: twelve (12) months in total during the last 5 years prior to revalidation or; three (3) months in total during the last 6 months immediately prior to revalidation.
As for the Certificate of Proficiency (COPs) in tanker courses, the seafarer must have completed the seagoing service performing the duties appropriate to the tanker certificate held, for a period of at least three (3) months in total during the preceding five (5) years.
All concerned licensed manning agencies and shipping companies are required to ensure that the crew are compliant and the above-mentioned STCW requirements. MARINA also directs them to submit the list of their crew members whose validity of STCW certificates have been extended pursuant to the Advisory. An electronic copy of the said information shall be submitted via email at [email protected] following the attached template in Annex A of the said Advisory, which can be found here.
Revalidation and Expedite Processing
Applications for the revalidation of Certificates of Proficiency (COPs) and Certificates of Competency (COCs), which have expired or will be expiring within the above-mentioned period, will still be processed as revalidation. These documents will also be given a five (5) years validity of their issuance, subject to full compliance of the necessary documents.
For revalidation of STCW certificates without the required refresher trainings or practical assessment of competence, the corresponding COCs or COPs will only be valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance subject to compliance with the provisions stated in the Advisory.
For seafarers who want to expedite the processing of applications covered by the Advisory, a letter of the concerned licensed manning agency duly signed by an authorized official requesting for expedited processing of the application of its seafarer is required. Aside from this, an Employment Contract approved by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and a Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) is also necessary.
These documentary requirements should be uploaded to the MARINA Integrated Seafarers Management Online (MISMO) system. Applications, which are for expedite processing, shall be filed through the Liaison Officer of the concerned licensed manning agency/shipping company.
Other previously published issuances, which are contrary to the provisions of MA 2020-88 are now invalid.
MARINA assures stakeholders and seafarers that it will continue to implement such necessary measures, including the extensions of the validity of statutory certificates and other issuances, to ensure the continued employment for Filipino seafarers as the COVID-19 pandemic ensues.