As part of the Agency’s continuing efforts to strengthen the country’s compliance with the requirements of the STCW Convention, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) will conduct a virtual Public Consultation on the draft MARINA Circular on the “Guidelines for the Onboard Training of Cadets on Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged in Domestic Shipping” on Tuesday, 05 October 2021, at 9:30 AM.
Included in this undertaking is the joint effort of the MARINA and CHED to revise the guidelines on the implementation of the approved onboard training program (OBT) for the BSMT and BSMarE Programs. Supplementary to this, aside from currently improving its policies relating to maritime education, training, and certification, the MARINA is also strengthening its guidelines for the conduct of OBT on domestic Philippine-registered ships.
The draft MARINA Circular on the “Guidelines for the Onboard Training of Cadets on Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged in Domestic Shipping” aims to ensure that the onboard training program conducted in domestic ships are supervised and monitored in order for the cadets to receive structured practical training and experience as required by the STCW Convention. It also provides the parameters in the acceptance of cadets and instructions on how to properly document the tasks completed by the cadet in accordance with the Onboard Training Plan, among others.
The MARINA is inviting everyone to the virtual public consultation on the above-mentioned date. To facilitate acceptance of attendees, may we request all participants to kindly register on or before 04 October 2021, 1200H.
After registration, a confirmation email containing the link for the virtual meeting will be received.
