The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), through its Manpower Development Services (MDS), led by Director Ms. Sonia B. Malaluan, together with the Certificate of Marine Profession – Panel of Examiners (POE), conducted a 4-day virtual calibration of test questionnaires for Certificate of Marine Profession (CMP) License Examination on 21-24 March 2022.
The CMP license examination covers seafarers on- board below 500GT or with engine propulsion power of below 750 kW.
The calibration of CMP Test Questionnaires aims to ensure that the questions remain relevant, updated, and constructed in a way that is easily understandable. The calibration also removed redundant and repetitive questions. Said activity focused on the level of understanding and competence of seafarers in all levels who intend to become Major Patron, Minor Patron, Boat Captains for Deck Department and Marine Diesel Mechanics for Engine Department.
The MDS expressed its gratefulness for the dedication and commitment of its partners, the subject experts, comprising the CMP Panel of Examiners (POE) for Deck and Engine for their strong collaboration and assistance in making the activity a success.
Further, the MARINA, through MDS, endeavors to continue enhancing systems relating to the discharge of its regulatory, supervisory, and promotional developmental functions over Domestic Seafarers and other Maritime Manpower Resources of the country.