MANILA – The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), through its Advisory No. 2022-56, reiterated that the STCW Mandatory Courses are required in the issuance and revalidation of Certificate of Competency (CoC) and Certificate of Proficiency (CoP).
The said Advisory, which was released on 10 November 2022, restated that the Management Level Course (MLC) for Marine Deck Officers and MLC for Marine Engine Officers that were adopted and promulgated under MARINA Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2014-01, are mandatory courses, and shall be continued to be implemented in accordance to the said Circular.
For clarification, the MLC for Deck Officers and MLC for Engine Officers will only be required for seafarers who will apply for assessment of competence and subsequent issuance of CoC as Master and Chief Mate and Chief Engineer and Second Engineer Officers.
The STCW Convention requires that every candidate for certification as Master and Chief Mate or Chief Engineer and Second Engineer must have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence. Hence, the MARINA developed the training standards for the “Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more” of Table A-II2 and “Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more” of Table A-III/2 of the STCW Code – naming these training standards as MLC for Deck and Engine Officer under MARINA Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01.
In support to this, the MARINA also clarifies that the MLC is still undergoing review and revisions in order to improve its training design and delivery, particularly its cost and duration, without compromising compliance with the requirements of the STCW Convention.
Likewise, the Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and Electro-Technical Ratings (ETR) courses, with course standard disseminated under STCW Advisory 2019-05, are mandatory courses and shall continue to be implemented. These courses are required for seafarers who will apply for assessment of competence and subsequent issuance of CoC as ETO and CoP as ETR.
Further, seafarers applying for assessment of competence and issuance and revalidation of CoC, as well as the issuance and revalidation of CoP, shall comply with the requirements as provided in the following circulars:
1. STCW Circular No. 2018-08, dated 20 September 2018, Subject: “Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Assessment of Competence of Seafarers under the Relevant Provisions of Chapters II and IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended”, including its relevant amendments that were duly adopted and promulgated by the Board;
2. STCW Circular 2018-09, dated 20 September 2018, Subject: “Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Assessment of Competence of Seafarers under the Relevant Provisions of Chapter III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended”, including its relevant amendments that were duly adopted and promulgated by the Board;
3. MC No. SC-2021-03, series of 2021, dated 11 February 2021, Subject: “Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (CoC) for Masters, Chief Mates, and Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more under Chapter II and for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operators on Ships Required to Participate in the GMDSS under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended”;
4. MC No. SC-2021-06, series of 2021, dated 11 February 2021, Subject: “Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (CoC) for Chief Engineer Officers, Second Engineer Officers, Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room and Electro-Technical Officers serving on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more under Chapter III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended”;
5. MC No. SC-2021-04, series of 2021, dated 11 February 2021, Subject: “Revised Rules in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) for Basic Training, Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats, Fast Rescue Boats, Advanced Fire Fighting, Medical First Aid, Medical Care, Ship Security Officer, and Security-Awareness Training & Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Under Chapter VI of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended”; and,
6. STCW Circular No. 2017-07, dated 31 August 2017, Subject: “Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Electro-Technical Ratings”
The Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), which are offering MLC for Marine Deck Officers, MLC for Marine Engine Officers, and ETO and ETR courses, will be subjected to review and evaluation of the respective courses offering, as well as actual inspection to verify and confirm the continuing compliance with the prescribed standards to said courses.
The Maritime Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) offering and conducting approved Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) and Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) programs will also be subjected to review and evaluation of the respective program offering, as well as the actual inspection to verify and confirm the delivery of courses with the prescribed requirements and standards to the said programs.
The Examination and Assessment Division (EAD) of the STCW Office, MARINA as well as the MARINA-accredited Assessment Centers (ACs), shall ensure that applicants for assessment have completed the mandatory approved course before being allowed to take the assessment.
Likewise, the Certification Division of the STCW Office and MARINA shall ensure that the applicants for issuance and revalidation of CoC and CoP have completed the mandatory approved course prior to the processing and issuance of CoC/CoP.
With the issuance of MARINA Advisory No. 2022-56, MARINA Advisory Nos. 21-23, series of 2021, dated 07 May 2021, MARINA Advisory No. 2021-45, series of 2021, dated 03 August 2021 and MARINA Advisory No. 2021-49, series of 2021, dated 26 August 2021 have been repealed.