MANILA, 31 May 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) have joined forces to pursue a shared objective of a just and equitable transition to a greener and more sustainable maritime industry.

The agencies’ collaboration began with a meeting to discuss their objectives and strategies for decarbonization, aligned with MARINA’s Maritime Industry Development Program (MIDP) 2019-2028. One of the program’s core objectives is the “Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Maritime Industry.”

The cooperation between the CCC and MARINA is significant, given that the shipping industry contributes to climate change and accounts for over 3% of the global annual carbon dioxide emissions. From 2007-2012, the shipping industry caused approximately 1.015 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions globally, according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The CCC welcomes the opportunity to work with MARINA in line with the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP).

“Shipping is a vital part of our economy, but it also has a significant impact on our climate. Through collaborating with MARINA on green shipping initiatives, we can develop a sustainable maritime industry that benefits both our economy and climate,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje.

MARINA expressed their target to align their decarbonization strategies in their technical, operational, and economic measures with the country’s mitigation targets.

“This is an important step towards our goal of achieving carbon-neutral shipping in the Philippines. We hope that the CCC can support us in developing and implementing policies that will help reduce the carbon footprint of our shipping industry,” said MARINA Deputy Administrator for Planning Sonia B. Malaluan.

The CCC was invited by MARINA in the recently held IMO Regional Conference on Seizing Opportunities for Green Shipping in Asia and the Pacific in Manila, where key maritime stakeholders from Pacific Islands and Southeast Asian States gathered to discuss energy efficiency, short sea segment, education of seafarers and global regulations.

In his closing remarks, CCC VCED Borje emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation among international organizations, governments, NGOs, shipping companies, and other maritime stakeholders to enhance the region’s capacity to face the challenges of climate change, toward a more sustainable and green sector.

“We need a whole-of-world approach in order to effectively address climate change and to modernize the shipping industry—through an investment-led, accelerated, just, and equitable transition. This is the one thing that the CCC asks from all of our stakeholders. There is an existential threat and challenge of climate change and this is the right time for us to integrate all of these concerns, particularly in the shipping industry,” VCED Borje underscored.

The CCC is also invited to the Meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) on 3-7 July 2023 and Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) on 26-30 July 2023.

The two agencies committed to strengthening their partnership further through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The CCC will provide technical expertise, including guidance on mitigation and adaptation measures, to support MARINA’s policies and programs on decarbonization, and sharing of scientific studies and data sources on GHG emissions.

The CCC is also invited by MARINA to be a member of the Technical Working Group under the National Task Force: Inter-agency Coordinating Committee to Facilitate the Ratification and Accession to and Implementation of Maritime Conventions (ICCFRAIMC).

MARINA is an attached agency under the Department of Transportation that is mandated to integrate the development, promotion, and regulation of the maritime industry in the country.

The proposed collaboration forms part of the CCC’s goal of building and strengthening strategic partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders to influence greater climate action.

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