MANILA — In a recently concluded three-day Mid-Year Performance Assessment and Planning Conference (MYPAPC) led by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Planning and Policy Service (PPS) from 09-11 August 2023, the Authority has committed to push for several legislative agenda for the 19th and 20th Congress and set deliverables for 2024-2028.

During the Conference, the MARINA pledged to lobby for the Amendment of RA 9295 or the Domestic Shipping Development Act of 2004; Shipbuilding Ship Repair Development Act; Philippine Ship Registry Act; and the Maritime Industry Act to amend Presidential Decree No. 474. As for the 20th Congress, the Authority targets to push for the National Legislation of Marine Pollution Convention, and the National Legislation on Hongkong Convention.

As a responsible member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Philippines maritime industry aims to ratify the Bunkering Convention, HNS Convention, among others.

As for its strategic deliverables, the Authority seeks to digitalize its systems and infrastructures, as well as to achieve a Silver/Gold Award from the Civil Service Commission Prime-HRM, and Silver/Gold Trailblazer Award for its Performance Governance System (PGS).

The conference, aligned with MARINA’s Voyage Plan and the long-term Maritime Industry Development Plan (MIDP) 2028, saw the participation of the agency’s management, service unit, regional directors, planners, and budget officers.

In a delivered message, Administrator Atty. Hernani N. Fabia emphasized the pivotal role of the mid-year conference in shaping MARINA’s strategic direction. He highlighted the conference’s significance in providing a roadmap for the agency’s programs, positioning MARINA to effectively guide the maritime industry toward enhanced strength and resiliency.

During the conference’s opening remarks, Luisito U. Delos Santos, Director of the Planning and Policy Service, underscored the significance of the conference’s outcomes. These outcomes are expected to serve as a guiding framework for every facet of MARINA, encouraging a harmonized approach to advancing the maritime sector.

During the conference, Deputy Administrator for Planning Sonia B. Malaluan reiterated the agency’s steadfast commitment to excellence. She echoed the collaborative spirit that was palpable throughout the event, expressing her belief that the shared vision forged during the conference will be the cornerstone of MARINA’s future achievements.

To seal the deal, service unit directors have signed certificates of commitment as a tangible representation of their pledge to meet the established targets over the next five years.

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