The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) welcomes the approval and adoption of the 10-year Maritime Industry Development Plan 2028 (MIDP) by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. This strategic move underscores the commitment of the Philippine government to harness the full potential of our maritime industry for national development.

MARINA recognizes the crucial role of the MIDP in charting the course towards a robust and sustainable maritime sector. The plan’s focus on enhancing the Philippine Merchant Fleet, expanding domestic and overseas shipping industries, and promoting a skilled maritime workforce aligns perfectly with our goals of economic growth and global competitiveness.

MARINA is grateful for the staunch support of the Department of Transportation (DOTr), headed by Secretary Jaime J. Bautista, in the development and updating of the MIDP. The collaborative efforts between MARINA, the DOTr along with its partner agencies have been instrumental in shaping the strategic direction of the Philippine maritime industry, and we look forward to continuing this partnership in the implementation phase of the MIDP.

The MARINA is particularly pleased with the inclusion of measures to modernize and expand the shipbuilding and ship repair industry, enhance maritime transport safety and security, and promote environmental sustainability. These initiatives will not only propel the growth of the maritime sector but also contribute to the overall welfare of our citizens and the protection of our marine resources.

MARINA ensures that it is committed to working closely with the relevant government agencies, the private sector, and other stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the MIDP. We are ready to lend our expertise and support to the MIDP Technical Board in carrying out its mandate and fulfilling the objectives set forth in Executive Order No. 55.

As we embark on this journey towards a more vibrant and resilient maritime industry, MARINA remains steadfast in its mission to uphold the highest standards of maritime governance, safety, and sustainability.

We thank President Marcos Jr. and the his administration for their unwavering support for the development of the Philippine maritime sector, and we look forward to realizing the vision outlined in the MIDP 2028.