In a proactive move to enhance safety and security measures within the maritime sector, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) has intensified its efforts by spearheading Compliance Monitoring activities across Visayas and Mindanao regions from January 23rd to February 7th, 2024.

Led by its Enforcement Service (ES), three specialized teams were deployed to various locations in these regions to meticulously assess and verify the compliance of RoRo passenger ships with safety regulations mandated by the Administration. Leveraging technical assistance from the French Government, MARINA enforcers were equipped to conduct comprehensive compliance monitoring in adherence to existing safety protocols governing domestic ships. This initiative, endorsed by the MARINA Administrator, underscores the Administration’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the traveling public.

Moreover, the Enforcement Service has implemented a swift information feedback mechanism, fostering direct engagement with passengers and stakeholders. During onboard inspections, QR Code stickers were prominently displayed, enabling passengers to provide real-time feedback, whether it be complaints, comments, or commendations regarding services or safety concerns. MARINA promptly addresses any issues raised, further reinforcing its dedication to maintaining high standards of safety and service within the maritime industry.

These endeavors align closely with MARINA’s 10-point Comprehensive Agenda, championed by Administrator Ms. Sonia B. Malaluan. Specifically, these initiatives correspond to Agenda No. 3, focusing on the Enhancement of Maritime Safety, and Agenda No. 6, emphasizing Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders. By proactively monitoring compliance and engaging stakeholders, MARINA continues to pave the way for a safer and more secure maritime environment for all.

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