The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) was recognized with the Kabalikat Award during the 13th Anniversary of Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) at Manila Hotel on 28 June 2023.

MARINA was chosen as one of the Kabalikat Awardees in the Government Category which recognizes the collaborations in various fields from the business, public, academic, partner regions and consortia sectors.

Shipyards Regulation Service Director II Engr. Ramon Hernandez, representing the MARINA, received the Kabalikat Award from DOST-PCIEERD Executive Director Dr. Enrico Paringit. Director Hernandez is accompanied by NAMED OIC-Chief Engr. Melchor Blaire Yap and other SRS personnel.

With the theme “Philippine Innovation Expo: Celebrating Excellence through Innovative Collaboration”, this year’s anniversary of DOST-PCIEERD aims to showcase some of the Council’s innovative collaborations in industry, energy, and emerging technology sectors that are being looked at for their potential success, outcomes, and impacts on society.

Back in 2020, the MARINA and DOST-PCIEERD renewed its Memorandum of Agreement that was signed in 2018 for the Science and Technology for Maritime Transport Applications (STMTA). The MARINA-DOST STMTA aims to develop a technology development plan for the maritime / marine transport sector. In 2021, the MARINA through the Technology Transfer Agreement (TTA) with UP Diliman and DOST-PCIEERD as witness adopted the Navigational Software (NAVIS), which is a product of the project entitled Maritime Transport Information System (MARIS). The NAVIS was deployed to the 12 MARINA Regional Offices.

The Kabalikat Awards 2023 also awarded the Department of Energy (DOE) in the Government Category, and other private institutions.

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