The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), through the Maritime Safety Service (MSS), in collaboration with Shell Pilipinas Corporation (SPC), conducted a virtual Orientation/Training session via Zoom conferencing on 29 April 2024.

The activity aimed to elevate Safety Culture Awareness and disseminate best practices throughout the maritime sector.

In her welcoming remarks, MSS Officer-In-Charge, Engr. Divinagracia Tolosa emphasized the important role of safety culture in maritime endeavors.

Meanwhile, SPC Representative, Mr. Rudy Harder Jr., highlighted the importance of safety and health on-site, ensuring the well-being of inspectors/auditors, risk reduction, emergency preparedness, and continuous improvement. Furthermore, Mr. Harder emphasized the critical role of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Life-Saving Rules in promoting safety awareness, preventing accidents, and protecting the lives of workers in the oil and gas industry. These rules address the most common causes of serious incidents and fatalities in the industry.

In his inspirational message, MARINA Chief-of-Staff and Shipyard Regulation Service Director (SRS) Engr. Ramon C. Hernandez highlighted the orientation’s crucial role in fostering a secure work environment for MARINA Technical Personnel and underscored its significance in accident prevention, risk management, and legal adherence.

The activity was attended by the MARINA Directors, Officers-in-Charge, and other technical personnel from Service Units and Regional Offices, showcasing a unified dedication to maintaining maritime safety standards and adopting industry best practices.

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