The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) was created on 01 June 1974 as an attached Agency to the Office of the President (OP) with the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 474, otherwise known as the Maritime Industry Decree of 1974, to integrate the development, promotion and regulation of the maritime industry in the country. With the creation of the Ministry (now Department) of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) by virtue of Executive Order No. 546, the MARINA was attached to the DOTC for policy and program coordination on 23 July 1979.
To lead a progressive maritime administration that ensures safety and security of life and property at sea, protection of marine environment and global competitiveness of Filipino maritime workforce.
A strong and dynamic Administration of the maritime industry
- Adopt and implement a practicable and coordinated Maritime Industry Development Program (MIDP) which shall include among others:
- The early replacement of obsolescent and uneconomic vessels;
- Modernization and expansion of the Philippine merchant fleet;
- Enhancement of domestic capability for shipbuilding, repair and maintenance; and
- Development of a reservoir of trained manpower.
- Provide and help provide the necessary:
- Financial assistance to the industry thru public/private financial institutions and instrumentalities;
- Technological assistance; and
- Favorable climate for expansion of domestic and foreign investments in shipping enterprises.
- Provide for the effective supervision, regulation and rationalization of the organizational management, ownership and operations of all water transport utilities and other maritime enterprises.
The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) was attached to the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) for policy and program coordination.
MARINA assumed the quasi-judicial functions of the Board of Transportation (BOT) over the domestic transport.
- Register vessels;
- Issue certificate of public convenience, or any extensions or amendments thereto, authorizing the operation of all kinds, classes and types of vessels in domestic shipping: Provided, that no such certificate shall be valid for a period or more than twenty-five (25) years;
- Modify, suspend or revoke at any time, upon notice and hearing, any certificate, license or accreditation it may have issued to any domestic ship operator;
- Establish and prescribe routes, zones or areas of operations of domestic ship operators;
- Require any domestic ship operator to provide shipping services to any coastal area, island or region in the country where such services are necessary for the development of the area, to meet emergency sealift requirements, or when the public interest so requires;
- Set safety standards for vessels in accordance with applicable conventions and regulations;
- Require all domestic ship operators to comply with operational and safety standards for vessels set by applicable conventions and regulations, maintain its vessels in safe and serviceable condition, meet the standards of safety of life at sea and safe manning requirements, and furnish safe, adequate, reliable and proper service at all times;
- Inspect all vessels to ensure and enforce compliance with safety standards and other regulations;
- Ensure that all domestic ship operators shall have the financial capacity to provide and sustain safe, reliable, efficient and economic passenger or cargo service, or both;
- Determine the impact which any new service shall have to the locality it will serve;
- Adopt and enforce such rules and regulations which will ensure compliance by every domestic ship operator with required safety standards and other rules and regulations on vessel safety;
- Adopt such rules and regulations which will ensure the reasonable stability of passengers and freight rates and, if necessary, to intervene in order to protect public interest;
- Hear and adjudicate any complaint made in writing involving any violation of this law or the rules and regulations of the Authority;
- Impose such fines and penalties on, including the revocation of licenses of, any domestic ship operator who shall fail to maintain its vessels in safe and serviceable condition, or who shall violate or fail to comply with safety regulations;
- Investigate any complaint made in writing against any domestic ship operator, or any shipper, or any group of shippers regarding any matter involving violations of the provisions of this Act; and
- Upon notice and hearing, impose such fines, suspend or revoke certificates of public convenience or other license issued, or otherwise penalize any ship operator, shipper or group of shippers found violating the provisions of this Act.
- Determine the impact which any new service shall have to the locality it will serve;
Designating the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), through the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), as the single administration in the Philippines responsible for oversight in the implementation of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as Amended.
“An Act establishing the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) as the Single Maritime Administration responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as amended, and International Agreements or Covenants related thereto.”
By virtue of Executive Order No. 63
Strengthened the authority of MARINA as the Single Maritime Administration for the Purpose of Implementing the STCW Convention through a majority membership in the Technical Panel on Maritime Education (TPME) and lead role in the evaluation and monitoring of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation and Marine Engineering and other higher education programs with Commission on Higher Education (CHED), as well as the establishment of medical standards for issuance of certificates to and relevant control procedures governing Filipino seafarers with the Department of Health (DOH) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
- Socio Economic Impact
- Attractive PH ship registry
- PH as a major center for ship building and ship repair
- Sustained development of globally competitive seafarers
- Modern and vibrant domestic merchant fleet as part of a seamless transport system
- Process
- Foster a globally competitive maritime industry
- Provide wider and timely service to our clients
- Strengthen stakeholders’ ownership of maritime policies, programs and projects
- Ensure compliance with safety and environmental standards
- Organization
- Ensure sufficient manpower complement
- Enhance competency, motivation and values of personnel
- Develop an IT-enabled agency
- Finance
- Rationalize budgeting process for optimum use
- Augment resources through use of income, trust funds and other sources
MFO 1: Maritime Industry Policy Services
MFO 2: Maritime Industry Regulation Service