MARINA, DOOST-PCIEERD renews its partnership to highlight new research directions in the maritime industry

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST PCIEERD) hosted the Maritime Science and Technology Forum 2024 at the Midas Hotel, Pasay City on 29 February 2024. With the theme “Responsive Research and Development on Emerging Maritime Technologies,” the forum continue reading : MARINA, DOOST-PCIEERD renews its partnership to highlight new research directions in the maritime industry

MARINA conducts Specialized Training of Trainers for IGF Course, strengthening PHL’s readiness for IMO Strategy on GHG Emission Reduction

In preparation for the Philippines’ compliance with the IMO Strategy on the reduction of GHG Emissions from ships, the STCW Office of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), in collaboration with the Philippine Center for Advanced Maritime Simulation and Training (PHILCAMSAT), and Kongsberg Digital AS, conducted a Training of Trainers for the IGF Course. The Opening continue reading : MARINA conducts Specialized Training of Trainers for IGF Course, strengthening PHL’s readiness for IMO Strategy on GHG Emission Reduction

German Shipowners’Association CEO supports PH maritime initiatives

German Shipowners’ Association CEO Dr. Martin Kröger has expressed interest in supporting the crucial initiatives of the Philippines’ Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Administrator Sonia Malaluan which aimed at bolstering the country’s seafaring and shipping industry during a meeting on 27 February 2024 in Manila. Among the topics tackled were efforts to advance standards and processes continue reading : German Shipowners’Association CEO supports PH maritime initiatives

MARINA Admin, PAMC Sec Discuss Areas of Collaboration to Further Strengthen PH Maritime Sector

MARINA Administrator Sonia B. Malaluan and Presidential Assistant on Maritime Concerns (PAMC) Secretary Andres C Centino explored areas of collaboration on Tuesday, 27 February 2024, during a meeting at the MARINA Central Office in Manila. The focal point of the meeting was the development of a comprehensive maritime strategy aimed at fortifying the Philippines’ maritime continue reading : MARINA Admin, PAMC Sec Discuss Areas of Collaboration to Further Strengthen PH Maritime Sector

MARINA sets sail its digitalization efforts; garners hundreds of attendees from industry stakeholders

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) sets sail its digitalization efforts today, 26 February 2024, with the initiation of its orientation series for industry stakeholders on the MARINA Blockchain-Enabled Automated Certification System (MARINA-BEST). With a remarkable turnout of 350 online attendees, this event marks a significant milestone in the Agency’s journey toward modernization and efficiency. Your continue reading : MARINA sets sail its digitalization efforts; garners hundreds of attendees from industry stakeholders

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Panel of Judges formalized their commitment to the MARINA Boat Design Contest (MBDC)

As part of the upcoming 50th MARINA Anniversary Celebration, the said contest is in line with the Coastal and Inland Waterways Transport System (CIWTS) in order to provide a baseline design for passenger ferries intended to operate in Laguna Lake-Pasig River-Manila Bay. The three judges who signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with MARINA include continue reading : The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Panel of Judges formalized their commitment to the MARINA Boat Design Contest (MBDC)

MARINA Chief pays courtesy visit to Ormoc City Mayor Gomez

MARINA Chief Sonia B Malaluan paid a courtesy visit on Ormoc City Mayor Lucy Torres Gomez yesterday, 23 February 2024 to pursue collaboration in the promotion of maritime industry interests with the City Government. Noting the booming economic activities in the City, Administrator Malaluan highlighted the proximity of Ormoc City with Cebu City where travel continue reading : MARINA Chief pays courtesy visit to Ormoc City Mayor Gomez

MARINA assures active coordination with DOH, other partner agencies to sustain full, complete compliance to STCW Convention

The MARINA – STCW Office conducted a coordination meeting with the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB) of the Department of Health (DOH). The meeting is part of MARINA’s commitment to actively collaborate with partner agencies to sustain the full and complete implementation of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended. The HFSRB is the continue reading : MARINA assures active coordination with DOH, other partner agencies to sustain full, complete compliance to STCW Convention

MARINA readies to roll-out the Blockchain-Enabled Automated System Technology (BEST)

As the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) targets to implement its Blockchain-Enabled Automated Certification System (MARINA BEST) by July 2024, the Agency has completed the final test run of all modules covered by the system from 14 to 21 February 2024. MARINA BEST is an advanced web app tasked to provide online services, from application to continue reading : MARINA readies to roll-out the Blockchain-Enabled Automated System Technology (BEST)

MARINA expresses support to inaugural launching of IMP Shipyard and Port Services

MARINA Administrator addresses the inaugural Launching of IMP Shipyard and Port Services, Incorporated today, 23 February 2023 and commends its President and Chairman, Capt Gaudencio C Morales for establishing a full-service shipbuildijg and ship repair facility that specializes in new construction, retrofiting, repair, conversion and modification of commercial merchant ships and fishing vessels. IMP Shipyard continue reading : MARINA expresses support to inaugural launching of IMP Shipyard and Port Services