Guidelines on the Recognition and Monitoring of Medical Practitioners

16 December 2022


Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-10

Revised Guidelines on Training and Assessment of Seafarers by Distance Learning and E-learning in accordance with the Provisions of Regulation 1/6 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

29 December 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-09

Policies, Rules and Regulations on the Approval of Training Courses under the STCW Convention 1978, as amended

29 December 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-08

Policies, Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Maritime Training Institutions and Assessment Centers

29 December 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-07

Fees and Charges relating to the Implementation of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

06 June 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-06

Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Chief Engineer Officers, Second Engineer Officers, Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated Duty Engineer Officer in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room and Electro-Technical Officers Serving on Seagoing Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750 kW Propulsion Power or more under Chapter III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

23 March 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-05

Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Seafarers Serving on Tanker Ships, Ships Subject to the IGF Code and Ships operating in Polar Waters under Chapter V of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

23 March 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-04

Revised Rules in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Basic Training, Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats, Fast Rescue Boats, Advanced Fire Fighting, Medical First Aid, Medical Care, Ship Security Officer, and Security-Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties under Chapter VI of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

23 March 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-03

Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Masters, Chief Mates, and Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Seagoing Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage of more under Chapter II and for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operators on Ships Required to Participate in the GMDSS under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

23 March 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-02

Revised Rules on the Monitoring of Approved Training Courses (ATCs) conducted by the Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), and Assessment of Seafarer’s Competence carried out by Accredited Assessment Centers (ACs)

18 March 2021

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-01

Amendment to Article V of STCW Circulars. No. 2018-08 and 2018-09

01 March 2021


Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-08

Rules and Regulations on the Issuance of Domestic Certificate of Proficiency (DCOP-M) for Seafarers Onboard Motorbanca

26 May 2021

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-07

Rules and Regulations in the Conduct of Assessment of Competence of Seafarers Onboard Motorbanca

26 May 2021

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-06

Rules and Regulations in the Conduct of Monitoring of Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs) to Offering Maritime Training Courses (MTCs) for Seafarers Onboard Domestic Ships

08 February 2021

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-05

Revised Rules and Regulations in the Accreditation of Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs) to Offer Approved Maritime Training Courses (MTCs) for Seafarers Onboard Domestic Ships

08 February 2021

Annexes and Forms of MC Nos. MD-2020-05 and MD-2020-06

  1.  Annex 1 – Course Plan
  2.  Annex 2 – List of MTCs
  3.  Annex 3 – Enrollment Report
  4.  Annex 4 – Certificate of Accreditation
  5.  Annex 5 – Certificate of Completion
  1. Form 1 – Letter of Application
  2. Form 2 – Self-Assessment of Compliance
  3. Form 3 – Qualification Requirements for Instructors and Assessors
  4. Form 4 – Inventory of Training Equipment, Training Books and Teaching Aids
  5. Form 5 – Administrative Requirements
  6. Form 6 – PST TCROA
  7. Form 7 – OBMI

Documents for the Newly Developed Maritime Training Courses for Domestic Seafarers (Ship Handling and Safe Navigation 1, 2 and 3 | Engine Operation and Maintenance 1, 2 and 3) : Click HERE

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-04

Revised Rules And Regulations In The Issuance Of Domestic Certificate Of Competency (DCOC) For Officers And Domestic Certificate Of Proficiency (DCOP) For Ratings Onboard Merchant Ships In Philippine Waters

23 June 2020

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-03

Revised Rules And Regulations In The Conduct Of Assessment Of Competence Of Seafarers Onboard Merchant Ships Below 500 GT Or With Engine Propulsionpower (EPP) Below 750 kW In Philippine Waters

23 June 2020

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-02

Rules And Regulations In The Issuance Of Domestic Certificate Of Competency (DCOC-F) For Officers And Domestic Certificate Of Proficiency (DCOP-F) For Ratings Onboard Fishing Vessels In Philippine Waters

23 June 2020

Memorandum Circular No. MD-2020-01

Rules And Regulations In The Conduct Of Assessment Of Competence Of Personnel Onboard   Fishing Vessels In Philippine Waters

23 June 2020

Memorandum Circular No. MS-2020-03

Revised Rules and Regulations on Safe Manning for Ships Operating in Philippine Waters

Annex 1 – Shipboard Work Arrangement
Annex 2 – Records of Rest Hours

16 February 2021

Memorandum Circular No. MS-2020-02

Rules on the Conduct of Oversight Function of MARINA in the Delegation as Flag State Administration


Annex A: Inspection Checklist for Philippine-Registered Ships
Annex B Part 1: General Requirements for Recognized Organizations (RO)
Annex B Part 2A: Requirements for Training and Qualification of Recognized Organization’s Technical Staff
Annex B Part 2B: Specifications on the Survey and Certification Functions of Recognized Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Flag State

02 October 2020

Memorandum Circular No. MS-2020-01

Revised Rules on the Accreditation of Classification Societies and Entities for the Purpose of Classification of Ships in the Domestic Trade

02 October 2020

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2020-03

Amendment to Memorandum Circular No. SC-2020-02

23 December 2020

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2020-02

Amendment to Article II of Memorandum Circular No. SC-2020-01

05 June 2020

Memorandum Circular No. SC-2020-01

Duties and Responsibilities and Organization of the STCW Advisory Council (SAC)

04 March 2020



MARINA Circular 2015-12

Revised Rules on the Issuance / Renewal of Coastwise License (CWL)/ Bay and River License (BRL)/ Commercial Yacht License (CYL)

03 November 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-11

Revised Rules and Regulations to Implement a Safety Management System for Domestic Shipping

20 January 2016

MARINA Circular 2015-10

Revised Rules and Regulations to Implement the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing in the Domestic Shipping

20 January 2016

MARINA Circular 2015-09

Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Registration of Boat Builders / Repairers

03 November 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-08

Rules and Regulations on Subdivision and Damage Stability Requirements for Philippine-Registered Domestic Ships

03 November 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-07

Rules and Regulations for the Construction, Conversion, Alteration, Modification, Re-Building of Philippine-Registered Domestic Ships

03 November 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-06

Revised Rules and Regulations on Survey, Assignment of Maximum Load Line Marking and Certification of Philippine Registered Motor Boat with or without Outriggers Carrying Passengers

03 November 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-05

Revised Schedule of Fees And Charges

17 October 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-04

Rules and Regulations to Implement Executive Order 909 Entitled “Encouraging Investments In Newly Constructed Ships or Brand New Vessels in the Domestic Shipping Industry by Providing Incentive Therefor

07 September 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-03

Rules on Categorization of Navigational Areas / Waters In The Philippines

07 May 2015
MARINA Circular No. 2015-02

Rules to Govern the Installation and Implementation of Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) of Passenger Ships 300gt and Above and Cargo Ships 500gt and Above

07 May 2015

MARINA Circular 2015-01

Amended Rules in the Acquisition of Ships Under Presidential Decree No. 760, as amended, and providing herewith the Implementing Rules Under Chapter XV of the 1997 Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) on Registration, Documentation and Licensing of Ships for International Voyages

30 January 2015



MARINA Circular No. 2013-12

Revised Rules on the Accreditation of Instructors and/or Assessors

03 September 2013
MARINA Circular No. 2013-11

1. Adoption of the new Competencies and Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency (KUP) for Ship Security Officer as Required by the 2010 Manila Amendment

2. Adoption of the Course for Ship Security Awareness and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties as Required by the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments; and,

3.Adoption of Refresher and Updating of Basic Safety under the 2010 Manila Amendments.

Annex I
Annex II-01
Annex II-02

Annex II-03
Annex II-04

Annex III-01
Annex III-02

Annex III-03
Annex IV-01

Annex IV-02
Annex V

Annex VI

03 September 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-10

Rules in the Accreditation of Liaison Officers (LOs) in the Issuance of Certificates of Proficiency (COP/s) and other STCW-Related Certificates for Seafarers

03 September 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-09

Rules in the Issuance/Revalidation of Certificates of Proficiency (COPs) in Accordance with Chapters V and VI of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training and Certification and Watchkeeping, as Amended Qualification and Documentary Requirements for Issuance of Certificate of Proficiency (COP)


03 September 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-08

Rules in the Issuance of Certificates of Proficiency (COPs) for Seafarers who are holders of TESDA Certificates of Competency (COCs) in Accordance with the 1978 International Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, as Amended

03 September 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-07

Rules in the Regulation of Submersible Passenger Craft

Annex – Guidelines in the Regulation of Submersible Passenger Crafts

Appendix 1 – Submersible Passenger Crafts Safety Certificate

Appendix 2-Submersible Passenger Craft Master Certificate of Competence


17 July 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-06

Rules on the Monitoring Of Maritime Education Programs, Training Courses and Assessment of Competence of Seafarers Carried out by Metis and Assessment Centers

26 April 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-05

Rules of Procedure in Administrative Investigation of Cases Involving Violations Committed by Maritime Raining Institutions and Filipino Seafarers and the Corresponding Table of Penalties

Annex – Accreditation Fees

08 April 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-04

Omnibus Rules on the Issuance of Special Permit for the temporary Utilization of Philippine-Registered Ships Whether Trading Overseas or Domestic

18 January 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-03

Rules on the Accreditation of Instructors and/or Assessors

1 March 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-02

Revised Rules for the Registration, Documentation and Deletion of Ships Operating In Philippine Waters

18 January 2013

MARINA Circular No. 2013-01

Rules on the Inspection and Accreditation of Maritime Training Courses

2013-01 Annex 1
2013-01 Annex 2

24 January 2013

2000 to 2010

MARINA Circular No. 2010-03

Amendment of Memorandum Circular No. 2008-05

27 October 2010

MARINA Circular No. 2010-02

Rules in the Issuance of Seafarer’s Identification Book (SIB) for Seafarers onboard Philippine Registered Vessels Below 35GT

14 December 2010

MARINA Circular No. 2010-01

Revised Policy Guidelines on Tankers

14 December 2010

MARINA Circular No. 2009-25

Rules and Procedures on the Approval of Lifejackets and Lifebuoys for Ships Engaged In Domestic Shipping

29 December 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-24

Accreditation and/or Authorization of Organizations for Purposes of Classification of Philippine-Registered Ships in the Domestic Trade and Supervision and Audit of Accredited Organizations

29 December 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-23

Rules in the Grant of Missionary Route Operator Status for Roro and Similar Type of Ships

MARINA Circular No. 2009-22

Rules Governing the Mandatory Marine Insurance to Cover Liabilities Arising from Pollution and Wreck Removal

19 October 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-21

Amendment to MC 2009 – 18, Series of 2009, for Ships Carrying Passengers Over and Above their Authorized Capacity

19 October 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-20

Rules and Regulations on Survey, Assignment of Maximum Load Marking and Certification of Philippine Registered Motor Boat without and with Outriggers Carrying Passengers

16 July 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-19

Amendment to Marina Circular Nos. 2009-01 and 2009-03 on the Rules Governing the Mandatory Marine Insurance to Cover Legal Liabilities Arising out of any Maritime Related Accidents

16 July 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-18

Rules Reiterating the Mandatory P200,000.00 Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage to Manifested Passengers; Indemnity of P200,000.00 Per Unmanifested Passenger to Be Shouldered By the Shipowner/Operator; P50,000.00 Monetary Assistance to Each Survivor Over and Above Medical, Hospitalization and Other Incidental Expenses; and, Imposing Penalties for Violation thereof

19 July 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-17

Notification on the Change of Principal office Address

19 July 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-16

Rules Requiring Passenger Carrying Motorbancas and All Vessels Fifty (50) Gross tons and Below to Submit Valid / Updated Passenger Insurance Coverage Before the Issuance / Renewal / Extension of Passenger Ships Safety Certificates

04 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-15

Guidelines In Determining Sailing Schedules and Frequencies In the Issuance and Amendments of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) and Special Permit (SP)

21 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-14

Rules on the Grant of Exemption From Securing Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)

21 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-13

Additional Penalty for Passenger-Carrying Ships Involved In A Maritime Accident/Incident for the Carriage of Passengers In Excess of the Authorized Passenger Capacity

25 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-12

Amendment to Marina Circular Nos. 2009-01 and 2009-03 on the Rules Governing the Mandatory Marine Insurance to Cover Legal Liabilities Arising Out of Any Maritime Related Accidents

21 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-11

Revised Schedule of Administrative Fines and Penalties for Maritime Violations/offenses

04 May 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-10

Revised Rules on the Issuance of Enhanced Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB)

23 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-09

Supplemental Rules and Regulations for the Registration of Small Boatbuilders

23 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-08

Rules Governing the Compliance Monitoring of Ships By Deputized Maritime Enforcers

23 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-07

Omnibus Rules on the Lay-Up of Vessels

27 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-06

License Plate Requirement for Shipyards, Boatyards, and Ship Repair/Shipbreaking Yards/Shops

23 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-05

Legalization of Unregistered Motor-Bancas Operating In the Philippine Waters

23 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-04

Establishment of Marina Telephone Hotline 2985 (Azul)

13 March 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-03

Extension of Filing of Oath of Undertaking to Comply With the Provisions of Marina Circular 2009-01, “Rules Governing the Mandatory Marine Insurance to Cover Legal Liabilities Arising Out Any Maritime Related Accidents”

27 February 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-02

Amending Section 1 of Rule V of the IRR of 9295 on foreign Ships Engaged In Trade and Commerce In Philippine Territorial Waters

04 February 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2009-01

Rules Governing the Mandatory Marine Insurance to Cover Legal Liabilities Arising Out of Any Maritime Related Accidents

04 February 2009

MARINA Circular No. 2008-08

Rules to Implement Safety Measures for Passenger Ships With Open Deckhouse

12 December 2008

MARINA Circular No. 2008-07

Revised Rules on the Collection of Annual Tonnage Fee

17 September 2008

MARINA Circular No. 2008-06

New and Rationalized Fees and Charges

19 April 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2008-05

Rules on the Collection of Annual tonnage Fee

19 April 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2008-04

Revised Rules on the Issuance of Enhanced Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB)

08 November 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2008-03

Rules and Regulations to Implement the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing In Domestic Shipping

08 November 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2008-02

Rules to Implement the Master’s Oath of Safe Voyage (MOSV)

08 November 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2008-01

Rules Governing the Carriage of Dangerous and / Or Hazardous Cargoes Goods In Packaged form for Ships Plying the Domestic Trade

08 November 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2007-05

Rules and Regulation on Stability Requirement for Philippine- Registered Domestic Ships

29 August 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2007-04

Rules and Regulations on the Admeasurement/ Re-Admeasurement of Philippine-Registered Domestic Ships

29 August 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2007-03

Rules and Regulation on Load Line Survey, Assignment, Marking and Certification for Philippine Registered Domestic Ships

29 August 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2007-02

Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Registration of Ship Builders, Ship Repairers, A Float Ship Repairers/ Service Contractors and Boat Builders/ Repairers

30 August 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2007-01

Rules to Implement Double Hull Requirement Under Marpol 73/78, Annex I, As Amended, on Oil Tankers Operating In Philippine Domestic Waters

20 January 2007

MARINA Circular No. 2006-06

Revised Guidelines In the Issuance of Special Permit (SP) to Operate Ships In the Domestic Trade Due to Meritorious Circumstances

06 October 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2006-05

Rules In the Issuance and Maintenance of Continuous Synopsis Record for Philippine Domestic Ships

16 February 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2006-04

Amendment to Marina Circular No. 2006-01 on the Rules on Accreditation of Manufacturers/ Suppliers/ Servicing Entities of Life-Saving and Other Safety Related Appliances/ Equipment

16 February 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2006-03

Revised Guidelines In the Accreditation of Domestic Shipping Enterprises Or Entities

16 February 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2006-02

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges for Overseas Shipping Sector

16 February 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2006-01

Rules on Accreditation of Manufacturers/ Suppliers/ Servicing Entities of Life-Saving and Other Safety- Related Appliances/ Equipment

28 December 2005

MARINA Circular No. 2005-02

Rules Amending Chapter Xv, Regulation 8 of the 1997 PMMR on the official Number and Marking of Ships and Providing for Its Annual Validation

MARINA Circular No. 2005-01 (Erratum)

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges

20 January 2006

MARINA Circular No. 2005-01

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges

19 October 2005

Memorandum Circular No. 205

Amending Memorandum Circular No. 203 on the Rules In Governing the Implementation of the Ship Safety Inspection

21 April 2005

Memorandum Circular No. 204

Assumption of Functions Under R.A. 9295

21 April 2005

Memorandum Circular No. 203

Rules Governing the Implementation of the Ship Safety Inspection System (SSIS)

19 January 2005

Memorandum Circular No. 202

Amendment to Memorandum Circular No. 187, Revised Rules on Annual Supervision Fee

12 November 2004

Memorandum Circular No. 201

Rules and Regulations to Implement Republic Act No. 9301, “An Act Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 7471, Entitled ‘An Act to Promote the Development of Philippine Overseas Shipping’ and for Other Purposes

12 November 2004

Memorandum Circular No. 200

Rules on the Issuance and Maintenance of Continuous Synopsis Record for Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged In International Voyages

16 June 2004

Memorandum Circular No. 199

Revised Class Requirement for Philippine-Registered Domestic Ships

16 June 2004

Memorandum Circular No. 198

Revised Class Requirement for Philippine-Registered Domestic Ships

16 June 2004

Memorandum Circular No. 197

Revised Rules to Rationalize Life Saving Appliances Requirements Under Chapter Ix of the PMMRR 1997

(Annex A)

Memorandum Circular No. 196

Rules on the Introduction of Reclining Seat Accommodation on Passenger-Carrying Ships In the Inter-Island Trade

15 December 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 195

Amendment to Memorandum Circular No. 153 on the Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Deregulation of Domestic Shipping Rates

11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 194

Rules on the Provision/Installation of Ship Security Equipment

11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 193

Rules on the Implementation of Maritime Security Measures for Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged In International Voyages

11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 192

Repeal of Marina Memorandum Circular No. 189, Series of 2003 (Re: Rules Providing Indemnity of P100,000.00 to Each Unmanifested Passenger onboard Passenger-Carrying Ships In the Domestic Trade)

11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 191

Rules In the Conduct of Drug and Alcohol Testing of All Seafarers and Other Personnel Serving onboard Ships Engaged In the Domestic Trade

11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 190

Rules on the Progressive/Gradual Phase Out of Wooden-Hulled Ships In the Domestic Trade


11 August 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 189

Rules Providing Indemnity of P100,000.00 to Each Unmanifested Passenger Onboard Passenger-Carrying Ships In the Domestic Trade

09 July 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 188

Revised Rules on the Mandatory Submission of Annual Report of Finances and Operations

09 July 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 187

Revised Rules on Annual Supervision Fee

09 July 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 186

Rules on the Accreditation of Maritime Enterprises

09 July 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 185

Rules on the Accreditation of Training Centers/Entities Which Shall offer Courses on Maritime Security

16 may 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 184

Revised Rules Governing Mandatory Cover Against Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

21 February 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 183

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges


22 January 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 182

Rules In the Acquisition of Ships Under Presidential Decree (PD) 760, As Amended, and Providing Herewith the Implementing Rules Under Chapter Xv of the 1997 Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) on Registration, Documentation and Licensing of Ships for International Voyages

22 January 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 181

Rules In the Accreditation of Shipping Companies for Purposes of Acquiring/Operating Philippine-Registered Ships for International Voyages Under Regulation Xv of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR), 1997

22 January 2003

Memorandum Circular No. 180

Rules to Govern Passenger Manifests on Board Philippine Registered Passenger Ships

09 November 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 179

Issuance of the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate for Philippine-Registered Ships/ Fishing Vessels Operating In Philippine Waters Or Temporarily Utilized In Overseas Trade/ International Waters

07 October 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 178

Amendments to Memorandum Circular No. 152 on the Mandatory Drydocking of Ships

07 October 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 177

Regulations Amending Chapter Xv of the 1997 PMMR on the Registration, Documentation and Licensing of Ships

07 October 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 176

Wearing Or Holding of Lifejackets By Passengers of Motorized Bancas and Similar Water Transport Carrying Passengers

07 October 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 175

Mandatory Display of the Maximum Authorized Passenger Capacity for Passenger-Carrying Motor Bancas With Open-Deck Accommodation and Similar Watercrafts

28 June 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 174

Rules on the Accreditation of Maritime Training Centers In the Conduct of Training Programs for Seafarers

28 June 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 173

Amendments to Memorandum Circular No.171 on Recurrency Training

28 June 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 172

Permanent Implementation of the Pro-Poor Vessel Fees

28 June 2002

Memorandum Circular No. 171

Rules on the Implementation of the Recurrency Training on Safe Navigation (SAFENAV) and Collision Regulation (COLREG) for Masters and Chief Mates Navigating Ships for Domestic Voyages

13 December 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 170

Rules on the Conduct of Examination and Issuance of License to Major Patrons, Minor Patrons, Boat Captains, and Marine Diesel Mechanics

13 December 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 169

Streamlined Checklist of Documentary Requirements and Rationalized Standard Processing Time

13 December 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 168

Mandatory Ship Reporting System

13 December 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 167

Extension of the Validity of the Pro-Poor Reduced Vessel Fees From 01 July 2001 to 30 June 2002

13 December 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 166

Rules on the Utilization of Domestic Ships In Overseas Trade/Operation

13 June 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 165

Rules on the Accreditation of Classification Societies and Entities for the Purpose of Classification of Ships In the Domestic Trade

15 March 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 164

Rules Governing the Adoption and Implementation of a Qualification Document Certification System in the Domestic Trade

15 March 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 163

Revised Rules on the Issuance of A Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB)

15 March 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 162

New Fees and Charges

15 March 2001

Memorandum Circular No. 161

Revised Rules and Regulations to Implement Eo 185 on Opening the Domestic Water Transport Industry to New Operators and Investors

16 November 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 160

Amendment to Mc No. 42

16 November 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 159

Adoption of A National Safety Management Code and Providing Rules and Regulations for Its Implementation In the Domestic Shipping

16 November 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 158

Adoption of the Cargo Service Rating System

06 September 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 157

Extension of the Validity of the Pro-Poor Reduced Vessel Fees Under Mc No.144

06 September 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 156

Amending the Schedule of Fees on Vessel Lay-Up Under Memorandum Circular No.119

06 September 2000

Memorandum Circular No. 155

Guidelines on the Recognition of Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Administration In the Implementation of the Ism Code for Philippine Shipping Companies and their Ships

Memorandum Circular No. 154

Reiteration of Safety-Related Policies / Guidelines / Rules & Regulations for Guidance and Strict Compliance

1975 to 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 153

Revised Rules & Regulations Implementing Deregulation of Domestic Shipping Rates

16 December 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 152

Amendments to Chapter I, Regulations I/6 of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) 1997 on Inspection, Drydocking and Statutory Certificates

16 December 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 151

Revised Guidelines on the Issuance of Endorsement of Certificates In Accordance With the 1978 STCW Convention

05 November 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 150

Introduction of A Second Class, Non-Air-conditioned Passenger Accommodation and Prescribing Minimum Service Standards

10 August 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 149

Amendment of M. C. 40/40-A Re: Increased Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage to P100,000.00 Per Passenger

03 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 148

Amendments to Chapter XVIII of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) 1997 on Minimum Safe Manning for Ships In the Domestic Trade

03 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 147

Rules on Compliance With Clearance Requirements for Vehicles, Animals, Plants, forest Products, Fish and Aquatic Products, Minerals and Mineral Products, and toxic and Hazardous Materials to Be Loaded Onboard Interisland Ships

03 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 146

New Fees and Charges

03 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 145

Rules In the Implementation of Regulation I/6 of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) 1997 and In the Conduct of Underwater Surveys for Classed Passenger and Cargo Or Combination Cargo-Passenger Vessels and Non-Classed Passenger and Cargo Vessels

11 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 144

Pro-Poor Reduced Vessel Fees

11 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 143

Rules and Regulations to Implement the International Safety Management (ISM) Code In Domestic Shipping

03 June 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 142

Amending Memorandum Circular No. 79 By Deleting the “Exclusive Requirement” for Domestic Shipping Business

11 February 1999

Memorandum Circular No. 141

Guidelines for the Conduct of Harbor Pilots Examination and Issuance of License

17 December 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 140

Amendment of M.C. No. 125 Transaction Period Provided

17 December 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 139

Deputization for Purposes of Implementing and Enforcing Maritime Safety Rules and Regulation

15 October 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 138

Rules on the Grant of Dis Pensation on Seafarers on Board Vessels Operating In the Domestic Trade

15 October 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 137

Amendment to Chapter XVII of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations (PMMRR) 1997 on Minimum Safe Manning for Seagoing Ships In International Trade.

06 October 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 136

Amendment of MC No. 72 on the Rules on the Implementation of 10-Minute Film on the Safety Features of A Vessel

17 September 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 135

Rules on the Implementation of Voice Tape on the Safety Features of A Vessel

17 September 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 134

Minimum Service Standards for Motorbancas Below 20 Gross tons

17 September 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 133

Revised Definition of Near-Coastal Voyages Under the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations, 1997 (PMMRR ’97)

15 July 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 132

Rules on the Grant of Dispensation to Seafarers onboard Philippine-Registered Seagoing Ships

15 July 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 131

Rules on the Deployment of Seafarers on Board Philippine-Registered Ships Plying In International Waters.

15 July 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 130

Rules on the Issuance of Certificates and Endorsements for Existing Seafarers In Accordance With the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, As Amended

15 July 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 129

Rules on the Issuance of Certificates and Endorsements for New Entrants In Accordance With the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, As Amended

15 July 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 128

Revised Guidelines for Tankers and Barges Carrying Oil and Petroleum Products

18 February 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 127

Guidelines on the Issuance of STCW Endorsement Certificates to Seafarers Promoted onboard Seagoing Ships In Accordance With the 1978 STCW Convention

18 February 1998

Memorandum Circular No. 126

Revised Guidelines on the Issuance of Endorsement of Certificates In Accordance With the 1978 STCW Convention

02 October 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 125

Adoption of the Passenger Service Rating System (PSRS) and General Provisions for Implementation

26 August 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 124

Revised Classification Requirements for Vessels In the Domestic Trade

26 August 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 123

Wearing of Lifejackets During Boarding and/Or Prior to Departure By All Passenger Vessels With Open-Deck Accommodation

26 August 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 122

Implementation of the International Safety Management ( ISM) Code

29 July 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 121

Policy Guidelines In the Regulation of High Speed Craft

29 July 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 120

Maritime offenses and their Corresponding Penalties

30 May 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 119

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges

30 May 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 118

Enforcement of Comelec Resolution No. 2899 Dated 04 March 1997

30 April 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 117

Rules and Regulations to Implement the Provisions of Executive Order No. 213 (Deregulating Domestic Shipping Rates)

28 August 1996

Memorandum Circular No. 116

Lifting of Age Restriction of Vessels Registered Under Pd 760/886/1711

09 September 1990

Memorandum Circular No. 115

Comelec Resolution No. 2825 Relative to the Sanguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections Scheduled on May 1996

28 August 1996

Memorandum Circular No. 114

Preventive Safety Measures and Other Concerns

23 November 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 113

MC In Compliance With Comelec Resolution No. 2805 Relative to “Deputation of Certain Government Departments and Agencies, their officials and Employees Including the Armed forces of the Philippines, In Connection With the March 4, 1996 Election (ARMM)

23 November 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 112

Policy Guidelines on the Refund/ Revalidation of Passenger Tickets for Interisland Vessels, Decorum of the Carrier and Its Employees, and Delayed and Unfinished Voyage

23 November 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 111

Amending Memorandum Circular No. 42-A on the Guidelines Governing Applications for Bareboat Chartering / Registration of Vessels Under PDS 760/866/1711

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 110

Guidelines for the Issuance/ Renewal of Coastwise License (CWL) Bay and River License (BRL) and Pleasure Yatch License (PYL)

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 109

Schedule of Penalties and/or Administrative Fines Relative to Vessel Registration / Licensing / Documentation and Vessel Safety Regulation

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 108

Guidelines for Accreditation of Marine Surveying Companies and Entities

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 107

Annual Supervision Fee

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 106

Implementing Rules and Regulations on Eo 185

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 105-a

Amending Memorandum Circular No. 105 on the Guidelines on the Temporary Utilization of foreign-Owned/ Registered Vessels and Philippine-Registered Overseas Vessels In the Domestic Trade

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 105

Guidelines on the Temporary Utilization of the foreign-Owned/ Registered Vessels and Philippine-Registered Overseas Vessels In the Domestic Trade

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 104

Omnibus Guidelines for the Acquisition of Vessels for Domestic Operations and Fishing Vessels/Boat

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 103

Guidelines for the Accreditation of Liaison officers (LOS) and the Creation of Special Processing System (SPS) on the Authentication and Issuance of Mdo-Related Documents

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 102

Schedule of Energy Tax for the Utilization/ Operation of Pleasure/ Recreational Watercrafts

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 101

Guidelines on the Issuance of A Special Permit to Carry Dangerous/ Hazardous Cargoes Or Goods In Packaged form

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 100

Guidelines for the Annotation/ Cancellation of Mortgages and Transfer of Rights and Other Encumbrances of Vessels

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 99

Guidelines for the Issuance/ Renewal of Motorboat Operator’s License (MBOL)

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 98

Guidelines for Compliances with Ra # 7277 and DBP Blg. 344 Otherwise Known as Accessibility Law

16 March 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 97

Revised Guidelines on the Issuance of SIRB

16 March 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 96

Creation of Watch list Systems of Seafarers

16 March 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 95

Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Licensing of Shipbuilders, Ship Repairers, Afloat Repairers, Boatbuilders and Shipbreakers

Memorandum Circular No. 94

Guidelines for the Accreditation of Maritime Surveying Companies/ Entities for Purposes of Vessel Registration

Memorandum Circular No. 93

Repeal of Mc 84, S 1994

01 December 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 92

Implementing Guidelines on the Rate Increase

01 December 1994

Memorandum Circular No.91

Repeal of All Marina Circulars/ Rules Appertaining to the Issuance of Special Permits (SPS) for Fishing Vessels to Operate Overseas

26 October 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 90

Implementing Guidelines for Vessel Registration and Documentation

07 October 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 89-A

Amendment of MC 89

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No.89

Implementing Guidelines for Vessel Safety Regulations

07 October 1994

Memorandum Circular No.88

Assumption of Functions Under the Provisions of E.O. 125, As Amended

15 September 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 87

Guidelines on the Issuance of the Seafarer’s Identification Record Book (SIRB)

15 September 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 86

Guidelines for Temporary Utilization of Interisland Vessels In the Overseas Trade/Operation.

20 July 1994

Memorandum Circular No.85

Streamlined Check-List of Documentary Requirements

20 July 1994

Memorandum Circular No.84

Imposition on Sanctions on Haiti

20 July 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 83-A

Amending the Schedule of Fees In the Guidelines for the Issuance of Endorsement Certificates In Accordance With the Stcw 1978 Convention

20 July 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 83

Guidelines on the Issuance of Endorsement Certificates In Accordance With the Stcw 1978 Convention (for Filipino Seafarers Serving on Board Ships Operating Coastwise

21 January 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 82

Guidelines on the Issuance of Endorsement Certificates In Accordance With the Stcw 1978 Convention (for Filipino Seafarers Serving on Board Ocean-Going Ships)

21 January 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 81

Amended Guidelines In the Acquisition of Any Type of Vessels for Domestic Trade

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 80

Policy Guidelines In the Regulation of Domestic Water Transport Services

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 79-A

Amending Mc No. 79 on the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Domestic Shipping Enterprises/ Entities

06 April 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 79

Accreditation of Domestic Shipping Enterprises/ Entities

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No.78

Guidelines on the Issuance of Special Permit for Fishing Vessels

27 September 1993

Memorandum Circular No.77-B

Amendment to “Annex A” of Memorandum Circular 77-A on the Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges.

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 77-A

Additional Schedule of Fees and Charges

15 September 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 77

Revised Schedule of Fees and Charges

11 June 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 76

Guidelines In Compliance With Rule V. Para. A of the Rules and Regulations Implementing Ra No. 7432, Entitled “An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizen to Nation Building, Grant Benefits Na D Special Priviledges and for Other Purposes

11 June 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 75-A

Amending Mc 75 on the Guidelines In Temporary Utilization of foreign-Owned / Registered Tankers and Cargo Vessels In the Philippine Waters

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 75

Guidelines In Temporary Utilization of foreign-Owned / Registered Tankers and Cargo Vessels In the Philippine Waters

11 June 1993

Memorandum Circular No.74-B

Amnendment of Memorandum Circular No. 74-A; Rules of Procedures In Cases Enumerated In Rules 1 of Part I and Ii of the Rules of Practice Instituting Summary Procedures In Application for Certificates of Public Convenience (CPC), Or Provisional Authority (Pa) Or Renewals thereof, Substitution/Replacement of Vessels Under A Valid Certificate of Public Convenience and for Complaint Cases and Petition for Rate Increase

20 February 1997

Memorandum Circular No. 74-A

Amendment of Mc No. 74

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No.74

Rules of Practice Instituting Summary Procedure In Application for CPC / PA / SP

14 January 1993

Memorandum Circular No.73

Guidelines on the Temporary Utilization of Interisland / Coastwise Vessels In the Overseas Trade / Operations Including Barter Trade

14 January 1993

Memorandum Circular No.72

Guidelines on the Implementation of At Least 10 Minute Film on Safety Features of Each Specific Passenger / Passenger Cargo Vessels

10 December 1992

Memorandum Circular No.71

Implementing Guidelines on the DOTC Department Order No. 92-587

22 October 1992

Memorandum Circular No. 70

Resolution No. 2504 of the Comelec

20 October 1992

Memorandum Circular No.69-B

Imposition of Further Sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

11 June 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 69-A

Imposition of Naval Blockage on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

03 March 1993

Memorandum Circular No. 69

United Nations Security Council Resolutions 757(1992) and 752(1992)

25 June 1992

Memorandum Circular No. 68-A

Amending Mc 68 on the Guidelines on Issuance of Special Permit for the Temporary Utilization of foreign Registered Vessels In the Domestic Trade

10 December 1992

Memorandum Circular No.68

Guidelines on Issuance of Special Permit for the Temporary Utilization of foreign Registered Vessels In the Domestic Trade

06 May 1992

Memorandum Circular No. 67

Implementing Guidelines on the Automatic Fuel Adjustment Mechanisms and the 10% – 15% Limit on the fork Tariff System

06 May 1992

Memorandum Circular No.66

Implementing Guidelines on the Rollback of Interisland Liner Rates

06 May 1992

Memorandum Circular No.65-A

Amendment to Mc 65

10 December 1992

Memorandum Circular No. 65

Minimum Service Standards for Philippine Registered Interisland Passenger Vessels

04 December 1991

Memorandum Circular No.64

Guidelines for the Legalization of “Colorum” Water Transport Vessels In the Coastwise Trade

04 December 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 63

Providing Penalties for the Submission Or Use of Spuriouf/Fake Documents In Connection With Any Request Or Proceedings for Authority From the Maritime Industry Authority

30 August 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 62

Guideline on the Rollback of Interisland Liner Freight Rates per the Order Dated 14 August 1991 of the MARINA Board

23 August 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 61

Implementing Guideline on the Marina Logo System

28 May 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 60

Revised Schedule of Fees

30 April 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 59

Implementing Guidelines on the Rate Increase

11 April 1991

Memorandum Circular No.58-B

Ban on the Acquisition, Purchase and Charter of Iraqui Merchant Vessels for Registration Under the Philippine Flag

29 October 1991

Memorandum Circular No.58-A

Amending Mc No. 58 on the Measures Adopted Governing Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 670(1990) and 661(1990)

29 October 1991

Memorandum Circular No. 58

United Nations Security Council Resolutions 670(1990) and 661(1990)

28 November 1991

Memorandum Circular No.57

Implementing Guidelines on the Rate Increase & Changes In Level & Structure

26 October 1990

Memorandum Circular No.56-A

Amendment of Mc No. 56

04 December 1991

Memorandum Circular No.56

Guidelines for Tankers and Barges Carrying Oil and Petroleum Products Amendment of Mc No. 56

20 August 1990

Memorandum Circular No.55

Guidelines for the Legalization of “Colorum” Shipbuilders and/or Shiprepairers

03 July 1990

Memorandum Circular No.54

Medical Examinations of Seafarers for Both Overseas and Interisland Employment

25 June 1990

Memorandum Circular No.53-A

Guidelines for Hearing and Investigations Before the Marina Amending Certain Provisions of the Interim Rules of Practice and Procedure for Other Purposes

21 September 1990

Memorandum Circular No.53

Circulars Introducing Amendments to the Interim Rule of Practice and Procedure In the Marina In the Exercise of Its Quasi-Judicial Functions

04 October 1989

Memorandum Circular No.52

Compliance With Pertinent Provision of Resolution No. 2118 of the Commission on Elections Re: Deputizing Certain National Law Enforcement Agencies Specifically DOTC and All Concerned Agencies/offices

17 August 1989

Memorandum Circular No.51

Accreditation for Purposes of Both Registration and/Or Availment of Incentives Granted Under the Omnibus Investment Code of 1987 (E.O. No.226) As Provided for By the 1998 Investments Priorities Plan

04 October 1989

Memorandum Circular No.50-A

Amended Schedule of Penalties and/or Administrative Fines

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No.50

Revised Schedule of Penalties and/or Administrative Fines

26 July 1989

Memorandum Circular No.49-B

Mandatory Submission of Annual Report of Finances and Operations, Implementing the Provisions of Section 17h of the Public Service Act, As Amended and Repealing In toto Memorandum Circular No 49-A

13 July 1995

Memorandum Circular No. 49-A

Mandatory Submission of Annual Report Amending for the Purpose Marina Memorandum Circular No. 49 and Providing Penalties therefore

18 March 1992

Memorandum Circular No.49

Mandatory Submission of Annual Report

03 July 1989

Memorandum Circular No.48

Measures to Control Overcrowding/Overloading and Scalping of Tickets In the Interisland Vessels

10 April 1989

Memorandum Circular No.47-A

Enforcement of the International Convention and Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 1978

05 November 1993

Memorandum Circular No.47

Enforcement of the International Convention and Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 1978

31 May 1989

Memorandum Circular No.46

Implementing Guidelines on the Rate Increase and Changes In Level and Structure

12 May 1989

Memorandum Circular No.45

Mr. Avelino O. Orbeta, Jr., Marina Shipbuilding officer

18 April 1989

Memorandum Circular No.44

Requirements on Tramping Operators to Secure A Certificate of Public Convenience and to Pay the Annual Supervision Fees

31 March 1989

Memorandum Circular No.43

In Compliance With Resolution No. 205 of the Commission on Elections Promulgated of Transportation and Communications and All Concerned Agencies / offices Under It As Its Deputies, Quoted.

05 January 1989

Memorandum Circular No.42-A

Amending Memorandum Circular No 42 on the Guidelines Governing Applications for Bareboat Chartering / Registration of Vessels Under Pd 866/1711

26 March 1990

Memorandum Circular No. 42

Interim Guidelines Governing Applications for Bareboat Chartering / Registration of Vessels Under Pd 866/1711

08 July 1988

Memorandum Circular No.41-B

Amendment to Item E on Fines and Penalties, of Memorandum Circular No. 41 As Amended By Memorandum Circular No 41-A on Guidelines Under 1978 STCW International Convention

30 August 1991

Memorandum Circular No.41-A

Revised Guidelines for the Issuance of Endorsement of Certificates and Ratings Certificates In Compliance With the Requirements of STCW 1978 Convention

31 March 1989

Memorandum Circular No.41

Guidelines for the Issuance of Endorsement of Certificates and Ratings Certificates In Compliance With the Requirements of STCW 1978 Convention

20 January 1988

Memorandum Circular No.40-B

Amendment of Mc No. 40-A Re:Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage

30 April 1991

Memorandum Circular No.40-A

Amendment of Mc No. 40 By Increasing the Amount of Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage

20 January 1988

Memorandum Circular No.40

Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage

Memorandum Circular No.39

Policy Guidelines on the Issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)

Memorandum Circular No.38

Imposition of Bond on Bareboat Chartering Applications

29 April 1987

Memorandum Circular No.37

Guidelines on Student Fare Discounts

11 July 1986

Memorandum Circular No.36-A

Extension of Filing of Annual Report

09 March 1987

Memorandum Circular No.36

Extension of Filing of Annual Report

02 March 1987

Memorandum Circular No.35

Additional Guidelines In the Implementation of Pd 1221

03 November 1986

Memorandum Circular No.34-C

Amendment to Memorandum Circular No. 34-B Imposing Additional Requirement for Importation and Chartering of Fishing Vessels.

26 October 1994

Memorandum Circular No.34-B

Additional Requirements on Application for Importation and Chartering of Fishing Vessels

20 July 1994

Memorandum Circular No. 34-A

Further Amendment of the Revised Guidelines on the Importation / Chartering of Fishing Vessels

30 October 1986

Memorandum Circular No.34

Revised Guidelines on the Importation / Chartering of Fishing Vessels

29 August 1986

Memorandum Circular No.33-B

Amendment of Memorandum Circular No. 33-A

19 September 1996

Memorandum Circular No.33-A

Amendatory Guidelines on the Importation / Chartering of Fishing Vessels

26 March 1990

Memorandum Circular No.33

Registration and Accreditation of Overseas Shipping Companies for Purposes of PD 866/1711

29 May 1986

Memorandum Circular No. 32

FIRB Resolution No 3-36 Restoration of Tax Incentives Under PD 666

10 March 1986

Memorandum Circular No.31-A

Revised Marina Special Permit Fee Wooden-Hulled Vessel

04 October 1989

Memorandum Circular No.31

Revised Fees and Charges (for Inter-island Shipping)

02 December 1985

Memorandum Circular No.30

Rules Governing Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers and Ocean Freight forwarders

23 August 1986

Memorandum Circular No.29-B

New Marina Schedule of Fees

26 June 1986

Memorandum Circular No.29-A

Amending Memorandum Circular No. 29, Specifically to Reduce the Rates of Vessel Lay-Up Fees Collected By Marina

28 December 1983

Memorandum Circular No.29

Revised Schedule of Fees / Fines : Amendment to the New Marina Schedule of Fees

25 August 1983

Memorandum Circular No.28

Simplification of Waiver Procedure Under Executive Order No 769 Or Cargo Servicing

05 May 1983

Memorandum Circular No.27-C

Amended Guidelines for the Issuance of Temporary Philippine Registry Under PD 866/1711

23 April 1985

Memorandum Circular No.27-B

Guidelines for the Issuance of Temporary Philippine Registry Under PD 866/1711

17 May 1984

Memorandum Circular No.27-A

Amending Mc No. 27 on the Guidelines for the Issuance of Temporary Philippine Registry Under PD 866/1711

20 October 1983

Memorandum Circular No.27

Guidelines for the Issuance of Temporary Philippine Registry Under PD No. 866/1711


Memorandum Circular No.26-A

Guidelines on the Sale Or Transfer of Coastwise Vessel(S) and/or Franchise(S) Rationalization of Inter-island Shipping Operators

28 November 1983

Memorandum Circular No.26

Rationalization of the Inter-island Shipping Operation

01 September 1982

Memorandum Circular No.25-E

Classification Requirements of Various Vessel Types for Inter-island Use

23 November 1992

Memorandum Circular No.25-D

Revised Age tonnage (Or BHP) Limitations and Classification Requirements of Various Vessel Types for Inter-island Use

01 July 1986

Memorandum Circular No.25-C

Extension of the Moratorium on Fishing Vessel Importation/Chartering Guidelines Under MC No. 25-B

16 April 1986

Memorandum Circular No.25-B

one(1) Year Moratorium on Fishing Vessel Importation/Chartering Guidelines Under Mc No. 25

23 April 1985

Memorandum Circular No.25-A

Guidelines on Importation of Tuna Long Liners

01 June 1983

Memorandum Circular No.25

Age and tonnage (Or BHP) Limitations and Classification Requirements of Various Vessel Types for Inter-island Use

12 August 1982

Memorandum Circular No.24-A

Amendment of Guidelines on the Importation / Charterer of Inter-island Tankers

28 April 1987

Memorandum Circular No. 24

Guidelines for the Importation and Chartering of Inter-island Tankers

15 July 1982

Memorandum Circular No.23-A

Amendment to the New Marina Schedule of Fees

12 August 1982

Memorandum Circular No.23

New Marina Schedule of Fees

18 January 1982

Memorandum Circular No.22

Guidelines on the Chartering of Vessels Under PD 760 / 866 Beyond the Age Limits Specified In Mc Nos. 17, 20, 21 and 21-A

25 August 1980

Memorandum Circular No.21-A

Amendment of Mc No. 21

12 August 1982

Memorandum Circular No.21

Guidelines for the Importation of Fishing Vessels

12 September 1979

Memorandum Circular No.20

Amendment of Guidelines on the Importation and Bareboat Chartering of Ocean-Going Ships

04 September 1979

Memorandum Circular No.19-A

Submission of Companies Requirements and Payment of Filing for All Applications Request Filed With the Marina Prior to their official Acceptance for Processing

03 January 1984

Memorandum Circular No.19

Submission of Sufficient and Appropriate Requirements for Application / Request Filed With the Marina

01 September 1979

Memorandum Circular No.18

Amendments of Memorandum Circular No. 15

14 December 1978

Memorandum Circular No.17

Age and tonnage (Or BHP) Limitations and Classification Requirement of Various Vessel Type

20 September 1978

Memorandum Circular No.16

Policy Guidelines for the Development of Interisland Shipping

18 September 1978

Memorandum Circular No.15

Revised Schedule of Fees

18 September 1978

Memorandum Circular No.14

Amendment of the Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. 666

18 September 1978

Memorandum Circular No.13

Clarification on the Meaning of Major Alteration, Modification Or Reconstruction of Any Watercraft Under the Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. No. 1059

31 July 1978

Memorandum Circular No.12

Implementation of P.D. No. 1059

31 March 1978

Memorandum Circular No.11

Freezing of Domestic Shipping Operations Implementation of Presidential Decree No. 1059

19 May 1977

Memorandum Circular No.10

Adoption of Policy Guidelines for the Evaluation of Request for the Authority to Acquire Vessels

01 January 1977

Memorandum Circular No.09

Shipping Companies, Shipowners, Ship Operations, and All Others Enterprises Falling Under the Term “Maritime Industry” As Defined By Presidential Decree No. 474

16 November 1976

Memorandum Circular No.08-A

Expansion of the Scope Memorandum Circular No. 8 Regarding the Submission of Letters of Intent to Acquire Vessels to Include Acquisitions From Local Shipowners

31 October 1979

Memorandum Circular No.08

Submission of Letter of Intent to Acquire Vessels, Either By Importation Or Local Construction, Prior to Any Negotiation for the Actual Acquisition of the Same

28 October 1976

Memorandum Circular No.07-A

Extending the Period for Registration and Licensing of Shipyards and Or Shiprepairer Yards Up to October 30, 1976

01 October 1976

Memorandum Circular No.07

Registration and Licensing of Shipyard and/or Shiprepair Yards

30 July 1976

Memorandum Circular No.06-B

Further Extending the Effectivity of Coastwise License (CWL’S) and Or Bay and River Licenses (BRL’S) In Provinces /Areas Outside the offices Including Registration of Undocumentary Vessels

17 September 1976

Memorandum Circular No.06-A

Further Extending the Effectivity of Coastwise License (CWL’S) and Or Bay and River License (BRL’S) In Provinces/Areas Outside the Jurisdiction of Manila and Cebu District offices Including Undocumented Vessels In Specified Cases Up to 9-26-76

05 August 1976

Memorandum Circular No.06

Automatic 60-Day Extension of Coastwise License (CWL’S) and for Bay and River License(BRL’S) In Provinces/Areas Outside the Jurisdiction of the Manila and Cebu District offices

26 May 1976

Memorandum Circular No.05

Certificate of Number

22 April 1976

Memorandum Circular No.04-A

Modification / Amendment of the Documentary Requirements Laid Down Under Annex “B” of Marina Mc # 4, Atd. 12-17-15 Relative to Applications for Issuance / Renewal of Coastwise License, Bay and River License, and Pleasure Yacht License

11 February 1976

Memorandum Circular No.04

Registrations of Licensing Vessels

22 April 1976

Memorandum Circular No.03

Apprenticeship Training of Graduates of Philippine Nautical Schools And Marine Eng’g Institutions

17 December 1975

Memorandum Circular No.02

Submission of Information Materials by Applicant Charterer / Importer of Vessels

16 October 1975

Memorandum Circular No.01-75

Submission of a Copy of the Cargo Manifest

14 February 1975